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How to Do Quality Control at the Receiving Dock

One warehouse process that we don’t see discussed as frequently as we’d expect would be Quality Control (QC). While the need for QC for the products coming into the warehouse varies by industry or types of products, it tends to be overlooked in many of those places where you would expect to see it.

If any of the following scenarios applies to what you do in your facility, then read on, this could be something that helps:

  • You sell products are received directly from 3rd party manufacturing partners
  • You have products that have a traditionally high return rate
  • You have products that have high price points and are kept in secure storage

There are other scenarios that apply as well, but let’s prioritize covering these more common ones:


Topics: Process Improvement ECommerce Quality Control Dock Design

The Importance of Reverse Logistics in Your Supply Chain

What are reverse logistics? How do they affect your supply chain? What can you do to leverage reverse logistics and improve your bottom line?


Read more to find out how the return of goods can actually create potential profit for your company. Learn how to measure and assess your company’s reverse logistics system. Find out some of the benefits that come with a good reverse logistics workflow.

Topics: Supply Chain

An Introduction to Quality Control in Manufacturing

“Quality is Everyone’s Responsibility”

Edward Deming, considered to be a “God” in the eyes of the Japanese business community for his influence on their manufacturing sector after WWII is attributed as the source of the now somewhat obvious quote above. His philosophy was one that wanted us to see manufacturing as a “system,” not a series of bits and pieces of additive work.

Topics: Manufacturing Process Improvement Cost Reduction

How To Improve The Warehouse Receiving Process


Warehouse receiving operations are a critical part in maintaining the integrity of inventory systems and ensuring the availability of products for customers. Without an effective receiving system, items fall through the cracks, are not counted, do not receive adequate inspection, and fail to provide evidence of problems with vendors that affect profitability.

Topics: Warehouse Management receiving

The 8 Best Order Picking Methods (Including Batch Picking)


Order picking methods are defined in terms of: (a) pickers per order - the number of pickers that work on a single order at one time; (b) lines per pick - the number of orders a single item is picked for at one time; and (c) periods per shift - the frequency of order scheduling during one shift.

Topics: Order Picking