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Christine Wheeler

Recent Posts by Christine Wheeler:

5 Disadvantages of Automated Warehouse Robots


There is a continued fear of robotic warehouse automation and its ability to take warehouse jobs from employees. While we understand the fear, we don’t necessarily share it.

Topics: Mobile Workstation Automation Robots Hybrid Warehouse

Top 5 Considerations for Warehouse Ergonomics


It’s true that 20% of products in a facility are picked 80% of the time. This means that keeping the most frequently picked items in a convenient location is a no-brainer right?

Topics: Mobile Workstation

The 8 Best Order Picking Methods (Including Batch Picking)


Order picking methods are defined in terms of: (a) pickers per order - the number of pickers that work on a single order at one time; (b) lines per pick - the number of orders a single item is picked for at one time; and (c) periods per shift - the frequency of order scheduling during one shift.

Topics: Order Picking

In-Store Fulfillment and Ecommerce Channels Require Omnichannel Strategies

Last year retailers everywhere in every niche, B2B and B2C, had to either learn how to do Ecommerce and In-Store Fulfillment for the first time or learn to do it much better on a bigger scale than ever before. What businesses did to engage with customers on the front end – evolving their offerings into a multichannel or omnichannel presence – was not always matched by the evolution required in the back end for fulfillment.

Topics: Process Improvement ECommerce In-store fulfillment

How to Choose the Correct Industrial Computer Workstation

The worst advice heard when searching for new, or replacement industrial computer workstations - “just get the cheapest one they have.” Spending a little extra to get the right workstation for the plant, warehouse, store, or distribution center will save money in the long run, and increase productivity.

Topics: Industrial Computer Workstations Mobile Workstation

How to track productivity in warehouse with the MotionMeter App

Wasted Motion does not happen all at one time - it may be 20 seconds here and 10 seconds there, making it extremely difficult to identify.  Simple examples of wasted motion include:

  • Walking to a printer to print labels
  • Walking to a computer to access data 
  • Walking to a static desk to dimension product

Not only is this waste hard to identify, it's also very costly over the course of a year.

Topics: Cost Reduction MotionMeter Assessment

How to be more efficient in the warehouse

Each mobile workstation cart is a powerful tool for improving productivity in any warehouse - but only when they're used correctly. These guidelines establish a baseline for using the carts and optimizing warehouse activities in ways that produce measurable results.

Topics: Productivity Warehouse Process Improvement

How to Ship Direct-From-Pallet With 100% Accuracy

It's a common challenge during peak Holiday season. Every year, thousands for warehouses across the world ramp up for an explosion of shipping that challenges even the most sophisticated warehouse managers. By some estimates, Catalog and E-Commerce businesses generate nearly 60% of their annual sales in the last four months of the calendar alone.

One common "challenge," which might be considered a "good problem to have" is the "hit product" where there are hundreds or even thousands of orders every day for a single product that everyone wants...or wants to give as a gift. When there are so many single-item orders for the same item like this, it seems wasteful to run all of them through the standard picking, sorting and packing process that a typical order would go through.

Topics: Shipping Speed Picking Accuracy

7 Excellent Methods to Improve Picking and Packing Efficiencies

"Measured in time and money - order picking is without doubt the most costly activity in a typical warehouse. It is also the activity that plays the biggest role for customer satisfaction with the warehouse – and in the final analysis the entire supply chain." - Professor René de Koster

Topics: Productivity Order Picking

18 Lean Manufacturing Quotes (#5 is Amazing)

1. “Why not make the work easier and more interesting so that people do not have to sweat?  The Toyota style is not to create results by working hard. It is a system that says there is no limit to people’s creativity.  People don’t go to Toyota to ‘work’ they go there to ‘think’” – Taiichi Ohno

2. “The most dangerous kind of waste is the waste we do not recognize.” – Shigeo Shingo

Shigeo Shingo (新郷 重夫 Shingō Shigeo?, 1909 - 1990),  born in Saga City, Japan, was a Japanese industrial  engineer who is considered as the world’s leading  expert on manufacturing practices  and the Toyota production System.

3. "Many good American companies have respect for individuals, and practice Kaizen and other TPS {Toyota Production System} tools.  But what is important is having all of the elements together as a system.  It must be practiced every day in a very consistent manner–not in spurts–in a concrete way on the shop floor."  - Fujio Cho, President, Toyota Motor Corporatio

Topics: Lean Manufacturing