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Newcastle Systems

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3 Strategies to Improve E-Commerce Fulfillment

It’s no secret that the e-commerce industry is booming. Even before the pandemic, customers were increasingly ordering merchandise and household goods online with the expectation that they could have a product delivered in a matter of days, if not hours.

Topics: Process Improvement ECommerce Reverse Logistics

How Reverse Logistics Can Save You Money

All warehouses have to think about logistics, and the processes they employ to improve workflow, reduce waste, and increase profits. Because there are so many moving parts, it can be difficult to monitor every step of the supply chain, but even the simplest improvements can reap significant rewards.

Topics: Warehouse Management Process Improvement Reverse Logistics

5 Ways to Improve Picking Accuracy in Your Warehouse

Picking errors are the not-so-silent killer of warehouse productivity. All warehouses know that these mistakes are happening. But not enough businesses understand the gravity of the issue or know how to address it.

Topics: Mobile Workstation Order Picking Warehouse Management Process Improvement Picking Accuracy warehouse workers

The Role of Warehouse Management in Customer Service

In the past, a warehouse was just a place where goods were stored and eventually processed for shipping. There wasn't much talk about how warehousing could impact customer services. A lot has changed!

Topics: Warehouse Management Inventory Control Process Improvement ECommerce warehouse workers

The Top 10 Warehousing Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Running a warehouse is much more complex than it was in the past. Supply chain bottlenecks combined with increased online sales coupled with a growing expectation of fast shipping and delivery have put a ton of pressure on warehouses to perform. Just working a bit harder is unlikely to produce the results you need in such a competitive industry.

Topics: Warehouse Management Process Improvement warehouse workers warehouse safety

Is Motion Waste Hurting Your Warehouse Productivity?

Most warehouses have the goal of maximizing productivity, which has a direct impact on bottom-line results. Warehouses are complex operations with a lot of functions and moving parts happening simultaneously. While there are ample opportunities to improve productivity, it’s not always clear where your efforts will bear the most fruit.

Topics: Warehouse Management Process Improvement warehouse workers

Why Your Production Floor Needs Mobile Technology

Nearly a century after inventory Alexander Graham Bell made the first telephone call in 1876, the first mobile call was accomplished. Since then, mobile technology has allowed us to stay in touch from anywhere.

Topics: Mobility Mobile Workstation Warehouse Management Process Improvement

How to Overcome Ergonomic Challenges in the Warehouse


Every seven seconds, a workplace injury takes place in the U.S., and the costs of these injuries can be catastrophic. In fact, warehouses and factories are considered some of the most dangerous places to work in this country. But the need for warehouse workers has never been greater.

Topics: Warehouse Management Process Improvement warehouse workers warehouse safety

How Inventory Management Technology Can Increase Your Bottom Line

Online sales have soared since the beginning of COVID-19, with consumers increasingly forgoing trips to the store in favor of easy ordering from home. That means eCommerce sellers and logistics companies need to operate more efficiently to keep pace with higher volume and a growing list of lofty expectations.

Topics: Inventory Control Process Improvement ECommerce RFID Order Fulfillment

Order Fulfillment Strategies for Profitable Shipping Options

When you’re in the business of selling products, how you get them into your customer’s hands is critical to your success. If you don’t have a well-crafted and executed order fulfillment strategy, there’s a good chance you’re going to run into some challenges.

Topics: Shipping Speed Process Improvement Shipping Order Fulfillment