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Newcastle Systems

Recent Posts by Newcastle Systems:

The Importance of Customer Service in Supply Management

You may not be able to make a tanker ship move faster or source materials that have become scarce. These are factors that are sadly beyond your control. But your business’s commitment to customer service is something you do control. And it’s also a major differentiator in supply chain management.

Topics: Supply Chain Process Improvement ECommerce RFID Customer Experience

Choosing the Right Order Fulfillment Process for Your Business

Everyone has had good and bad online shopping experiences. The worst experiences probably stay in your consciousness the longest, and that's not something you want people to associate with your brand. In fact, nearly half of consumers have stopped doing business with a company because of a poor customer experience.

Topics: Process Improvement ECommerce Warehouse Efficiency

The 5 Secrets of Successful eCommerce Fulfillment

As the eCommerce industry continues to thrive, businesses that participate in the supply chain must address how they will keep up with increased demand. Manufacturers, transporters, and warehouses are working overtime to meet consumer expectations.

Topics: ECommerce

How to Keep Your Warehouse Organized

Warehouse organization can often feel like an ongoing struggle. But tidy and well-organized warehouses make the entire process of receiving products, storing them, picking and packing items, and then shipping them to customers more efficient.

Topics: Warehouse Management Process Improvement warehouse workers Warehouse Efficiency

Keeping a Clean Warehouse: Why Cleaner Facilities Outperform Cluttered Ones

If your warehouse is dirty or cluttered, it’s going to say a lot about your business. Beyond being a bit disorganized, a warehouse that is grimy or has accumulated stuff everywhere is probably going to have a negative impact on your business. Here’s how and some of the best practices you can follow to keep a cleaner and less cluttered warehouse.

Topics: Warehouse Management Process Improvement warehouse workers Warehouse Efficiency

Which Portable Power System is Right for You?

If the workers in your warehouse are still running back and forth between the floor and a central location between tasks, this is highly inefficient. A warehouse can significantly boost every aspect of its operations by implementing mobile powered carts. These carts require a portable power system. In some cases, you may also want a standalone mobile power system without a cart. What are portable power systems, and how do you choose the right one for your needs?

Topics: Mobile Power Portable Power Battery PowerSwap Nucleus Warehouse Efficiency

Understanding Return Management Software for eCommerce

If you’re an eCommerce retailer or warehouse owner, you’re in the business of getting online purchases into the hands of customers. But this also means that part of your business involves dealing with items that come back, with online return rates as high as 30%.

Topics: ECommerce Warehouse Efficiency Reverse Logistics

Optimizing eCommerce Fulfillment: How to Make Your Fulfillment Operations Even Stronger

Now that the COVID-19 pandemic has given online shopping an unprecedented boost, how products get to consumers and delivery time have taken on increasing importance. Unfortunately, logistics providers have suffered from their own setbacks thanks to supply chain, labor, and other challenges over the past several years.

Topics: Shipping Speed ECommerce Warehouse Efficiency

Essential Steps for Setting Up Your eCommerce Warehouse

For anyone setting up an eCommerce business, having efficient and effective logistics is critical. An eCommerce warehouse is a vital part of this back end of your operations, which takes in shipments from suppliers, holds inventory, and sends products out to customers.

Topics: Shipping Speed ECommerce Warehouse Efficiency

Reverse Logistics and the Circular Economy: What You Need to Know

Dumping items in a landfill is no longer a sustainable business model or something that consumers are willing to accept. Billions of pounds of usable products and materials find their way into landfills annually, and some items are causing irreparable harm to the environment. Now that online shopping has become so popular, returns are also on the rise. This presents eCommerce businesses with a problem as well as an opportunity to address reverse logistics in a circular economy.

Topics: Green Manufacturing ECommerce Reverse Logistics