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Newcastle Systems

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Solutions for the Top 7 Warehouse Problems

Your warehouse is arguably one of the most important pieces of your business, and therefore should be treated that way. Without a smooth running warehouse you could potentially face=

  • No place to keep all of your inventory
  • Little or no way to organize that inventory or your supplies
  • Your product scattered all over the place
  • Late orders delivered to your clients or customers
  • The wrong orders or incomplete orders sent to your clients and customers
Topics: Warehouse Management

How to Design a Proactive Supply Chain

In today’s fast-paced, highly competitive, and ever-changing global economic environment, it is now more important that you are taking a proactive approach to your supply chain, as opposed to one that is reactive with transactional logistics.

Though certain reactive approaches in limited conditions may be appropriate, managing your global supply chain as a whole with the proactive approach will optimize your system. A proactive approach will allow you to more quickly and effectively approach changes to supply in demand, rather than addressing them after the fact.

Topics: Supply Chain

Reducing Labor Costs in Receiving

If you’re in the manufacturing industry, then you know how much pressure there is to maximize your warehouse’s efficiency. Considering that your bottom line depends on how quickly you can stock and move product, there is a lot of incentive to make any necessary changes to improve the workflow of your business to increase profitability and lower costs.

Topics: receiving

Why Ergonomics is the Best ROI Strategy

In the manufacturing world, there is a constant pressure to innovate and improve operations. While most of the time that is related to improving the bottom line and allowing companies to achieve greater success, there is one aspect of the industry that has to improve for both cost efficiency and worker safety.

Topics: Warehouse Management Safety

6 Warehouse Pain Points to Avoid

If you run a warehouse, then you know that there a ton of different things that all have to work together to create an efficient workplace. Unfortunately, because there are so many moving parts on the floor, it can seem impossible to manage everything all the time, which is why so many warehouses have inefficient operations.

Topics: Warehouse Management

How to Improve Your Dock to Stock Metrics

For most warehouses, operational management is something that is always in need of improvement. Considering that your business relies on efficiency and accuracy, the better you can get at both the more profitable and successful you can become.

There are a lot of ways that you can measure your current status and see where you can improve, but one of the most essential metrics is the dock-to-stock measurement. Today we’ll go over what this is exactly, as well as what steps you can take to improve your current standing.

Topics: Metrics

20 Warehouse Success Metrics That Matter Most

Your warehouse KPIs determine how efficiently you turn a profit. You probably already have a software package that compiles data and analyzes information. What you do with that information may determine the success or failure of your logistics business. 

Topics: Warehouse Management Metrics Process Improvement

10 Best Shoes for Retail Workers

Working in retail is difficult enough, but wearing the wrong shoes can make it excruciating. One of the best things you can do is have the right shoes for the job you do. Considering how much time you spend on your feet when you work retail, you need to have the right shoes. Even though they may not look great, they do make a huge difference when you’re working. Many non-slip shoes are uncomfortable, especially when you’re running around all day. There are many things you should look for when you’re trying to find the right shoe, and which shoes we recommend. 

Topics: Retail

Top 10 Health and Safety Issues in the Warehouse

While there are a lot of jobs that put you in danger and make it difficult for you to do your job without risking your life in one way or another, working in a warehouse can be an incredibly dangerous job and many people don’t even realize it.

While some of the reasons might be obvious, there are some health and safety issues that might surprise you. The following are the top 10 health and safety hazards that you will find in most warehouses around the world.

Topics: Warehouse Management Safety

15 Warehouse Best Practices You Need to Know

As a business owner, you want to make sure that your operations run as smoothly as possible so that you can be as successful as possible. However, when it comes to running a warehouse, many times there are issues that arise that could otherwise be prevented if the operational side of things was more streamlined and productive.

Topics: Warehouse Management