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Newcastle Systems

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How to Run a Warehouse Audit

The perception that many have of the simplicity of warehouse operations merits consideration. How simple is it? We receive goods, put them away, pick them upon order, ship, and then maintain the overall operation. On it’s face it appears simple. Yet, let a novice manager in training step into the shoes of an existing warehouse manager and they may soon find themselves overwhelmed. 

Topics: Warehouse Management Lean Manufacturing Warehouse

7 Reasons Why Integrated Warehousing and Distribution are the Best Bet

When proposed with the option of stand alone warehousing versus an integrated operation of warehousing and distribution, many managers today shrug at the notion of added responsibilities. So, they continue on with their typical approach, and the end result is profit reduction and dissatisfied customers.

While this is not an across the board occurence, it is commonplace enough to bear consideration of a new way to view housing and distributing inventory. The profit reductions can occur as a result of one segment, i.e. the warehouse or distribution, focusing their attention on what only they can control at the expense of other functions of the supply chain. This creates an avalanche of cost increases ultimately impacting the end customer, thus lost revenue.

Topics: Distribution Center Warehouse

20 Do's and Don'ts for Outstanding Warehouse Management

Managing an efficient and effective warehouse requires seamless workflows and timely execution from dock to dock. Here is a comprehensive overview of common mistakes and solutions for a more profitable distribution center.

Topics: Warehouse Management

How Technology Revolutionized Warehouse Receiving

Over the last few years, warehouse technology has seen some major shifts. Some of these have entered the scene with a bang, and others have been more subtle but will have major effects in the future. As warehouse managers adjust to the new mobile, connected world, they have to consider many different aspects including cost of the technology, relevance to their business and how it will improve any or all parts of the process.

Topics: Technology Warehouse Management

10 Quick Tips to Improve Your Warehouse

Orders to be pulled. Orders to be put away. Vendors backed up at the docks. The electrician is over there working on a problem with one of the charging stations. The life of a manager in a warehouse is one that requires the ability to wear many different hats at any given point in time. If only we could operate at a higher level of efficiency, you begin to say to yourself, most of these problems would not occur with such frequency. 

Topics: Productivity Warehouse Management Lean Manufacturing

7 Best Practices for Inventory Management for Warehouses

Supplying your products on time and with multiple channels can be quite challenging. You receive constant pressure from various buyers and store locations. It is a challenge to keep up with inventory demands while monitoring the inventory process and the needs of your workers and your customers or buyers. 

Topics: Warehouse Management Inventory Control

Symptoms of an Inefficient Warehouse and How to Fix Them

Running an inefficient warehouse is a costly mistake no growth-focused business should endure. Unlike an under-performing salesperson or a poor quality product, the signs of an inefficient warehouse aren't immediately noticeable. When a salesperson consistently doesn't meet their sales targets, you know it is time to cut your losses.

When the returns of a product closely match its sales, you know you have a problem product on your hands. But how do you know when your warehouse is being run inefficiently? What are the symptoms of a warehouse in distress and how do you remedy those problem areas? If any of the following five symptoms are present in your warehouse, you just might have a problem on your hands.

Topics: Warehouse Management Warehouse

How Agile Manufacturing Helps Companies Compete

Agile manufacturing is a useful title under which a combination of methods and technologies are based. An agile paradigm in manufacturing is usually adopted to improve productivity and customer satisfaction, and thereby gain a competitive edge against non-agile manufacturers.

Agility is defined by quick and well-coordinated movements with a sense of adaptability and versatility. An agile manufacturing process allows businesses to respond with flexibility to customer needs as market conditions change, and to control their desired output while maintaining product quality and minimizing costs.

Topics: Manufacturing

The Importance of Receiving and Putaway

You could argue that all areas of the warehouse are equally important but the bottom line is if we receive things poorly the odds of us picking them and shipping them properly are pretty close to zero.

When it comes to world-class receiving and put away one of the general principles is to try to minimize the number of handling steps throughout the process.

Topics: Warehouse Management

10 Components of a Great Warehouse

The importance of warehouse operations and the Supply Chain in general cannot be overstated. The efficiency of your operation is key to a successful operation. Yet in every operation there are unexpected variables, delays and surprises. The average operation may become sluggish and inefficient from these variables, but the exceptional operation thrives in all conditions. 

Topics: Warehouse Management Warehouse