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What makes sense now is a mobile computer desk

electric cordStaff who are on their feet while working the job favor a mobile computer desk for productivity and meeting deadlines.  Desks are not always placed on the most effective route but instead are shackled to a power receptacle which comes out of the wall.  Long extension cords are not only time consuming, they are a risk to safety.  The necessity of a 200 foot extension cord also means a QuickWinder RAP-200 Reel will be required.  Without a mobile computer desk; duct tape, signs, hooks to keep the cord in place will become part of the maintenance routine. 

New technology has changed the game where any size business can benefit from a mobile computer desk with power.

Thanks to wireless technology, mobile powered workstations (MPWs) are opening up new frontiers of efficiency and productivity. These workstations with integrated power supplies can maneuver computers, printers, scales, barcode scanners, etc., to wherever they are needed. For some facilities, multiple mobile powered workstation, also known as a mobile computer desk, can bring about a “system solution” — a whole new way of doing business.

Capitalizing on the benefits of auto-ID technologies, they integrate the facility’s software with devices on the workstations to establish mobile on-demand label printing stations, mobile shipping & receiving stations, and so on.

no power outlets

Reduce foot travel

By significantly reducing foot travel and paperwork, an mobile computer desk workstation can have a very favorable impact on your bottom line [see table below]. In so many enterprises, countless hours are wasted as employees walk back and forth, chatting with co-workers en route, between sites where work is taking place (loading docks, storage racks, assembly lines, inspection/testing areas, etc.) and a desk-bound computer and printer where they log information into a database, print labels/orders, etc.

Continual real time access

Often, these employees are merely keying in data they have previously written on paper at the work site - a classic redundancy of effort. Or worse, they just rely on their memory, which leads to mistakes.

In contrast, an employee operating an mobile computer desk workstation has continual, paperless, real-time access to information via warehouse management systems (WMS), enterprise resource planning (ERP), or automated data collection (ADC) software from anywhere in the facility, since the workstation’s computer is always at hand.

mobile computer desk roi


You can download a white paper here to learn the many ways a mobile computer desk or mobile powered workstation can help you change the way you do business:

mobile computer desk whitepaper