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A Peek Inside Online Retailers' Warehouses

While the public will never see the inside of a warehouse, people are diligently working to ship products at a rapid pace.  It is estimated that online sales will be $280 billion dollars in 2015. Everything happens because of warehouse workers.  It is important to look more closely at this segment of the business and the people who work in the warehouses, receive products, do the ordering picking and ship.  

Here is the best parts of an infographic from businessinsurance.org to give you a peek inside online retailers' warehouses:

warehouse infographic

Source: BusinessInsurance.org 

At Newcastle Systems, the single most important point is related to the potential 12 miles workers walk each day.  Amazon's warehouses can be as large as 800,000 square feet.  eBay Enterprise distribution center has a distribution center size of 1,000,000 square feet.  While the consumer receives a nice little package delivered to their door, consider the effort, equipment and miles it takes for the warehouse workers to make it happen.

wasted steps

Potential health and safety risks also stand out to us at Newcastle Systems. Every job has a risk and we strive to empower company leaders with the best equipment for minimizing health risks.


We are committed to providing the right equipment and methods for warehouse workers to save steps, lower health risks and improve productivity.  In a very short time, businesses realize a return on investment and profits grow.  

If you are ready to think differently about how you manage power to eliminate wasted steps, you will find this pdf white paper valuable: 

portable power system white paper

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