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Crisis Management Resources for Facility Managers

warehouse-crisis-header-image (1)By now we are all aware we are dealing with an unprecedented global crisis that is going to impact every business and customer we know. But the impact will vary by the industry and type of customer being served. While we are not in the business of playing the role of economic pundits peering into reams of data and making predictions, it is safe to say that a boost in E-commerce operations among across many industries is already happening as retailers shut stores.

Whether you are in an operation that is stretched right now trying to keep up with the spike in demand, or one that is slowing down from mandated closures, it’s important to look at your operations protocols for dealing with the crisis and ensuring you keep your teams and customers safe and secure.

Newcastle Systems will be providing a set of resources and best practices going forward on this page: “COVID-19 Workplace Preparations

Today you can find TWO important documents:

  • “Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19” from OSHA is a guide to identify the different risk classifications for your workforce, ways to reduce risks, potential impacts on the workplace, and more.
  • “COVID-19 Inspection Checklist” – is a 2 page checklist to give your workplace a high-level review of your preparedness for managing through the crisis.

Download both of them, and bookmark the page to check back for additional resources.

And please follow guidance and mandates from your local government at all times.

COVID-19 Resources


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Topics: Crisis Management COVID-19