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Preparing for the Supply Chain in Space [infographic]


"Space is the final frontier" and while we offer methods to conquer the space in your warehouse, we also like to think bigger.

In the highly competitive world we live in today, supply chain management and logistics has become an essential ingredient to successful global business operations. This has made a degree in supply chain management a great opportunity for job seekers. The infographic below highlights mankind's largest supply chain which involves supplying materials for projects in outer space. It is a prime example of the intricate and complex process that goes into ensuring that the two-way flow of materials, finance, people, and information from raw materials reaches its end destination.

The graphic shares a few factoids about "Mankind's biggest supply chain": the number of suppliers in NASA's supply chain (1,500), the number of satellite and rocket launches in 2011 (84), and the payload cost per pound to enter orbit ($6,000 for low-earth orbit; $30,000 for geosynchronous transfer orbit). Cost to ship one gallon of water to the moon: $690,000.

space supply chain

Infographic by Florida Tech University Online, your source for Supply Chain Management Degree Programs Online.

We have the R&D department deep in research to bring innovation to your warehouse, distribution center and manufacturing plant... and then space and we would like to show you the next big thing!

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