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Unlocking Warehouse Operations with Pallet Tracking

Pallet Tracking

The landscape of modern warehouse management is rapidly evolving, driven by the increased demands of a global supply chain combined with technological advancements. Today’s warehouses have evolved from places that store products into complex systems that require efficient management of inventory, order fulfillment, and logistics to meet the changing requirements of business partners and consumers alike.


Among the technological innovations transforming warehouse management is something called pallet tracking. This solution helps warehouses address various challenges related to inventory management, visibility, and more. Here’s what you need to know about pallet tracking and the different applications for it in your warehouse operations.


What is Pallet Tracking?

Pallet tracking refers to a system that monitors and manages the storage and movement of pallets within a warehouse. This is an asset tracking solution that provides real-time data on the movement, location, and status of palletized items. By streamlining the process of tracking pallets, this system can improve operational efficiency, reduce errors, and support better inventory control.


Pallet tracking is possible using several different technologies:


  • RFID — Radio frequency identification systems are characterized by small RFID tags that are attached to pallets, each with unique identifying information. RFID readers can seamlessly pick up this information via radio signals without a line of sight. RFID has the capability of reading multiple pallets simultaneously and recording data in real-time. 
  • Bluetooth Low Energy — This is a popular and effective technology used for tracking. Specialized readers can capture signals produced by tags and tags attached to pallets. The positioning accuracy of this technology is roughly three feet, and this system offers low power consumption and high data security. 
  • UWB — Short for ultra-wideband, UWB technology is based on the transmission of high-frequency signals over short distances. This system is accurate in a range of about 4-20 inches. UWB also offers low power consumption, but its implementation cost is higher compared to other options.

Benefits of Using Pallet Tracking

Pallet tracking is reshaping modern warehouse management, helping eCommerce retailers achieve faster and more accurate order fulfillment even in the face of increasing online sales. Here are some of the top benefits of using pallet tracking in your warehouse.


1. Improved Efficiency

Labelled PalletsIntegrating pallet tracking throughout your warehouse will drive greater efficiency in your operations. Specifically, this improved visibility will reduce the time warehouse workers have to spend searching for items and reduce unloading and loading time.


2. Cost Savings

Real-time storage and location optimization will not only reduce human error but also help your organization save money. When you know where your pallets are within the warehouse, you can reduce or eliminate product damage and theft as well as waste associated with stale inventory. When you reduce your costs, your business will increase its overall results.


3. Rapid Incident Response

Pallet tracking technology also allows warehouses to quickly respond to any potential emergencies, which can save time and money. Examples of these include damage to pallets, theft, and other preventable losses.


4. Simplifying Inventory Management

Another area where pallet tracking solutions can benefit warehouses is in simplifying inventory management. This technology provides real-time tracking data so businesses can respond in real-time to changes in demand, adjust to supply chain challenges, and make appropriate pricing adjustments.


Applications for Pallet Tracking in Warehouse Operations

Using pallet tracking solutions in your warehouse provides many opportunities to address common challenges like inefficiency and lack of visibility. Here are some common applications for pallet tracking that you can use in warehouse operations.


1. Real Time Pallet Tracking

Pallets that are labeled or tagged with the proper technology can be tracked seamlessly in real time. Combined with right warehouse management system (WMS), you can also receive a visual representation of each pallet’s location in the warehouse. This makes it easier to control the movement of pallets and avoid costly delays.


2. Push Notice Notifications for Theft Prevention

Pallet tracking can be used to prevent the theft of materials in your warehouse. If a pallet leaves the warehouse or any area of the building that it is supposed to be in, you can receive a push alert. This offers an automatic notification of unanticipated product movements, which can reduce losses from theft or help cut down on human errors.


3. Accounting and Analytics

230627-how-to-find-the-ideal-warehouse-manager-1The data provided by pallet tracking solutions can also help your organization make more informed business decisions. You’ll receive detailed accounting and analytics about the movement history of items, the number of damaged or lost items, and more. This can help you better manage inventory and create solutions to optimize your operations.


4. Simple Product and Pallet Search

When you have a large warehouse, store a massive amount of products, or have high worker turnover, you might run into some efficiency issues. Specifically, workers might spend a significant amount of time in the warehouse searching for products and other assets. A warehouse pallet tracking system can help resolve this issue. Using this system, employees can perform a quick product or pallet search to locate the items they need instantly on a digital map.


5. Vendor Location Pallet Tracking

Another useful application for pallet tracking is the ability to add visibility throughout the supply chain. By implementing certain technology solutions, like RFID tags, you can grant vendors access to this data so everyone is on the same page with respect to logistics. This is also another way to ensure the security of your items when they leave the warehouse.


6. Finished Goods Ageing

By tagging pallets in your warehouse, you can better ensure that you are implementing a First-In-First-Out strategy so that goods aren’t sitting in your warehouse too long. The data you collect will also allow you to run reports showing how long your finished goods have been sitting in your warehouse so you can take appropriate action.


Real-time pallet tracking can help locate products quickly—even on a visual map—prevent warehouse theft and provide insights via analytics. The result? Improved work efficiency, faster incident response to theft or damage, and easier cargo management.





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