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What type of mobile computer carts do you need in your warehouse?


The process for determining which mobile powered computer cart and/or stand-alone power package that best meets the requirements for your warehouse, factory or large retail store includes:

computercart1The total number of watts your equipment will draw

(ex. a laptop draws 50 watts and a small desktop thermal printer draws 50 watts so total # of watts is 100.)  See below to determine typical equipment wattage use.

computercart2The number of hours that you want to power your equipment.

You can use the calculator below to determine
which mobile powered computer cart would best suit your needs:


Typical equipment wattage use:

    Laptop = 50 watts

    Scanner = 5 watts

    Thin Client = 30 watts

    17" LCD or Monitor = 30 watts

    Sm. Desktop Thermal Printer (ex. Zebra LP2844 or Intermec Easycoder 3400e) = 50 watts

    High Volume Thermal Printer (ex. Zebra S4M or Datamax I or M Series) = 100 to 150 watts

    Desktop PC = 200 watts

    Small Laser Printer (ex. Hewlett Packard Model HP2015) = 315 watts

    Medium Laser Printer = 400 to 800 watts

    OKI Data Printer = 110 watts

    Coffee pot (10 cup) = 1200 watts

    DVD Player = 35-50 watts

    Stereo = 30-100 watts

    Clock Radio = 50 watts

    Flat Screen TV = 120 watts

How to calculate watts:  Watts = Amps X Volts
For other equipment, please refer to user manual or contact the manufacturer.

What happens next:

Once you have selected both the total number of watts you will draw and the number of hours you want to power your equipment, the calculator will determine which is the best computer cart / powerpack option. 

The units' run times are based on 50% active equipment usage.  Run time varies depending on the following:

  • How charged the battery is

  • The number of labels that are printed per shift; run times will be higher if quantity printed is low.

While this is fairly straight forward calculation, we do know that watts, amps and volts are not a favorite topic.  In that case, please reach out and contact on of our team to assist you with the calculation.  We are very happy to help you with your calculations.

Call us at:  781-935-3450 

Email us at:  customerservice@newcastlesys.com

Mobile Computer Cart Finder:

Newcastle Systems offers a full line of competitively-priced power packages which consists of an inverter, smart charger, battery, standard remote battery status meter, wire harness and a sealed but fully ventilated cabinet (16" x 16" x 12").  Ships LTL.

Not sure what type mobile computer carts or printer cart workstation your business needs?  Use our interactive quick-reference chart to explore options most commonly computer carts used in your industry.




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