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Newcastle Systems in the News

Fulfilling the Promise of Paperless Manufacturing with Mobile Workstations

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Cogmedix is a team of talented commercialization specialists bringing OEM medical technology to life. Providing turnkey manufacturing services to a broad range of medical and dental OEM‘s, Cogmedix delivers new products to market with rigorous quality control and full regulatory compliance.

Cogmedix recently embarked upon a company-wide process improvement initiative including a move to paperless processing. This incorporated the implementation of both a new ERP system, and a new MES system six months later.

Derek Fournier, Program Manager of Cogmedix, explained it this way: “A paper system is a very flexible compliant process, but its downside is how labor intensive it can actually be, especially when you are processing thousands of DHRs (Device History Records) per week.”

To address the unforeseen issues that came up with the paperless process and unexpected downtime and inefficiencies, Cogmedix turned to Newcastle Systems to design a flexible, mobilepowered workstation that eliminated the power cords and allowed for a quick height adjustment to maximize ergonomic comfort for its caring associates. “We have associates that need to sit and stand throughout the day and we also have associates with varying heights,” remarked Derek.

Read the full case study here >