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Beth Parker

Recent Posts by Beth Parker:

Newcastle Redefining Workplace Efficiency and Safety at ProMat 2025!


Topics: PROMAT

Newcastle Systems Amesbury Toys for Tots Drop off Location

Newcastle Systemsis pleased to announce that we are a Toy for Tots drop site again this year! 🎄

You may donate a new, unwrapped toy for a child in need to our Amesbury, MA location at 34 South Hunt Rd. Mon - Fri 8:30am-3:30pm.

For those not local to Amesbury, please consider bringing a toy to your local Toys for Tots drop site.

The deadline for donations is December 10, 2024.

Topics: Event

Newcastle Employees Walk to Raise Funds for Suicide Prevention

John and Diane O'Kelly and some Newcastle Systems employees teamed up with the "Flannel Friends" team in the North Shore Out of the Darkness Walk for Suicide Prevention in Newburyport.  We walked in loving memory of a dear friend of the team and joined thousands of other teams across the country to help save lives and bring hope to those affected by suicide. 

Kevin Ledversis - DC Velocity Podcast on Employee Retention

What are the most important factors to consider for employee retention?  How do you keep good workers in your warehouses and distribution centers with today's labor challenges?


Topics: warehouse workers

DC Velocity Interviews Newcastle on Warehouse Safety

Putting Comfort and safety first

From wearable technology to mobile workstations, there’s no shortage of ways to create a more ergonomically friendly warehouse.


Topics: Safety